Wednesday, August 31, 2016

3 Ways Watermelon Benefits Your Health And Beauty

Believe it or not, but this plant is not only tasty but also extremely healthy. Here are 3 reasons why you should eat more watermelons from now on!

1. Need More Hydration? Eat A Watermelon!

Just like its name suggests, watermelon is basically 97% water. This little fact makes it amazing if you need to stay hydrated. I bet you would prefer to eat something tasty to drinking another 3 cups of water. Eating watermelon in healthy doses will allow you to both indulge in a sweet treat and keep your hydration levels in check. Avoid eating too much, though. The overconsumption of lycopene found in watermelon can cause mostly unpleasant and sometimes severe consequences. Not a fan of puking? Well, cut down on the melons!

2. You Can Use It To Reduce Inflammation

Do not fret, my friend, the aforementioned lycopene is not exactly dangerous. If taken in the healthy amount it can help you to reduce different types of inflammation, including arthritis pains. The same goes for another component called choline. Best NYC doctors suggest consuming no more than 20 mg of lycopene a day if you want to avoid nausea and diarrhea.

3. Relieve Muscle Pain With The Help Of This Fruit

Tired of sore and aching muscles? Consider eating a couple of slices of juicy watermelon. It can also help you to alleviate and even prevent muscle pains after intense workouts. Drink a glass or so of the freshly gathered watermelon juice before heading to the gym. This way you can save yourself a ton of muscle ache coupled with killer tiredness.

Increase your intake of this berry to promote your beauty and health!

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